Congratulations:) Learning about the advantages of a LLC and how to form one is the first step of many on your road to self employment. The process is very simple once you have the information required for the application. So, lets start with that.
You'll need to know what you want the name of your LLC to be. If it's in use, you won't be able to use it. You'll need your name and contact information (address and phone number), of course. The name, address and phone number of your authorized agent. What's that? Your authorized agent is someone that will be like the connection between you and the state you form the LLC in. Like a lawyer or notary. They usually charge an annual fee for this. I pay $150 annually. All they really do is make sure you get the mail that is sent to you concerning your LLC. You'll need the names and information of everyone who will have ownership of the LLC, unless it's only you. You're going to need a debit or credit card to pay the filing fee. The filing fee in NJ is $150 and then $50 to do your annual report. You must submit an annual report if you want your LLC to ramain active. That's it.
Unfortunately at the time of me writing this, the site to file onlline for the state of New Jersey is unavailable, otherwise I would have linked you directly to it. Do look for it in future posts.
To learn about the pros and cons of a LLC read this article.
This is good stuff.